The June Weekly Community Conversations grant giveaway winners are…

Even though Community Conversations is on its July break, Maddie’s Fund® gave two organizations a $2,500 grant for attending the June Weekly Community Conversations! A total of $5,000 in grants has been given to two people chosen at random. Additionally, the Maddie’s® Pet Forum winner of $3,000 is below. Two people won a grant for… Learn More

4 resources to help your community cat population

If you’re in need of community cat support, look no further than these four resources, provided for free by the Community Cats Podcast. The Community Cats Podcast is a supportive space founded by Stacey LeBaron, which includes an informative podcast as well as a dedicated space for feline fans and advocates. Using these four resources… Learn More

Dr. Lila Miller Shelter Medicine Day is July 10!

July 10 is Dr. Lila Miller Shelter Medicine Day. Dr. Miller is known for her trailblazing leadership and purposeful dedication to the field of veterinary shelter medicine. If you are one of the millions of people that have adopted a dog or cat over the last three decades, you have Dr. Miller to thank. Dr.… Learn More

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