The Association of Shelter Veterinarians lists feline upper respiratory conditions as the number one health issue in shelters. Find out how outbreaks can be prevented, or once started, stopped, in this free webcast!
Feline upper respiratory infections (URI)
are killers. Maddie’s InstituteSM is pleased
to present a free webcast that will
show you how you can prevent URI, how
to treat it, and how keep it from spreading.
The Association of Shelter Veterinarians
lists feline URI as the number one health
issue in shelters, where stress and close
quarters provide the perfect conditions for
both exposure and illness. Can shelters
really beat URI? Can outbreaks be
prevented, or once started, stopped?
Widely acknowledged as the country’s leading expert on feline URI in shelters, Dr. Kate Hurley,
Director of the Koret Shelter Medicine Program at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine,
says that yes, outbreaks can be prevented and stopped.
Please join Maddie’s Institute and Dr. Hurley on Thursday, September 27, at 9 PM Eastern, for
a free webcast, Knocking the Snot Out of Feline URI: Saving Shelter Cats’ Lives with Treatment
and Prevention.
Get more information and register for the free webcast here.
This webcast is the first in a two-part series on feline URI; part two, Fixing the Feline Housing
Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can Make Cats Sick — and What You Can Do about It, will be held
on October 25, 2012, with Dr. Sandra Newbury.