September 5, 2013
Categories: Announcements

Bigstock-Golden-1904773The Morris Animal Foundation is looking for 3,000 Golden Retrievers to enroll in its Canine Lifetime Health Study and help bring about an end to all kinds of cancer in dogs.

From their announcement:

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study aims to learn how to prevent
cancer in dogs. The study will be the longest and largest dog study ever
conducted, and will focus on four cancers that can be fatal. While
we'll be following the lives of 3,000 purebred Golden Retrievers, the
results are expected to benefit all breeds, and may eventually help
humans too.

You and your dog can join the most important study
ever undertaken to improve canine health. Morris Animal Foundation's
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study tracks volunteer dogs' health for life.
As these dogs grow from puppyhood to adulthood, they will help us figure
out how to prevent and treat cancer and other canine diseases. What we
discover will create a brighter, healthier future for all dogs.

Find more information and enroll your dog here; and please, share!