September 19, 2013
Categories: Shelter Medicine

Growing numbers of scientific publishers are making their articles and publications available online for free. Others will allow you to read an article for a short period, usually 24 hours for around $3.

Bigstock-Scientist-Cat-9923891Ever come across a literature citation that sounded like it was just what you needed to understand a health or behavior issue in your shelter, only to find that just reading the article was going to cost $35 or more?

Growing numbers of scientific publishers are making their articles and publications available online for free. Others will allow you to read an article for a short period, usually 24 hours for around $3.

These opportunities are the result of a growing movement toward open access in scientific research. Expect to see this list expanding dramatically in the coming years, especially for articles more than one year post-publication.

Veterinary Medicine from Free Medical Journals

Veterinary publications from the Directory of Open Access Journals

Searchable full-text archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal articles from Pub Med Central at the National Institutes of Health

Public Library of Science Journals (PLOS)

Elsevier's "Top 25" on Science Direct

All Elsevier veterinary journals; those with open access articles are marked

Free journal articles from Stanford University, including Veterinary Pathology

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)

Deep Dyve – low-cost rental of articles, with some free

BioMedCentral – Scroll down to "veterinary research" for a list of open-access veterinary journals

What did we miss? Let us know in the comments!