October 16, 2013
Categories: Animal Behavior, Webcasts

Bigstock-Cat-43099879Can cats who are shy and fearful in the shelter still get adopted?

Yes, says board certified veterinary behavior specialist Dr. Sheila
D’Arpino. Feline behavior while in a shelter is not always a good
representation of that same cat’s behavior in less stressful
surroundings. Proper housing, handling, and if needed, behavior
modification can turn that hissing and hiding cat into a beloved family

Cats who remain scared and fearful can have a happy outcome, too.
Attendees will learn how to use the information gained in assessments
and by observation to place them into either a home adoption program or
barn and community cat programs.

Please join Dr. D’Arpino and Maddie’s InstituteSM for Helping Cats Who Hiss and Hide: Assessment, Behavior Modification and Re-Homing Strategies for Shy and Fearful Cats on Thursday, November 14, at 9 PM Eastern Time.

Get more information and register here.