November 27, 2013
Categories: Facility Design, Webcasts, Shelter Medicine

MFCats_ShelteredIMG_1883Cats are extremely sensitive to noise, crowding and stress — three things that are in abundant supply in many animal shelters. These adverse conditions often lead to illness in sheltered cats, particularly the most common of all feline shelter diseases, upper respiratory infection (URI).

The good news is that by decreasing crowding and reducing stress, you can drastically cut the incidence of feline URI in your shelter’s cat population.

In October of 2012, Maddie’s InstituteSM presented Fixing the Feline Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can Make Cats Sick – And What You Can Do About It, a free webcast with Dr. Sandra Newbury of the Koret Shelter Medicine Program at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

The recorded version of this webcast, and information about continuing education credit, is available here.