One of the biggest changes in the sheltering world has been the rise of high quality online educational opportunities. Maddie's InsitituteSM is proud to be part of that movement, and also happy to shine a light on all the other organizations that are making it happen.
You can find a complete list of sheltering webinar/webcast providers here, and below, you'll see the upcoming shedule of webinars from PetSmart Charities. Sign up today!
Smile! You’re Saving Lives: Help More Animals by Serving People Better
Presented by B.J. Rogers, ASPCA
March 11th at 10:00 a.m. PST
Your organization serves many people: clients, adopters, donors, staff, volunteers. How do you provide them each with satisfying service in the interest of building great relationships and saving more lives? Remembering WHY we do this work – and putting that front and center – can change our outlook dramatically.
Though “customer service” has come to mean different things to different people, this webinar will approach the concept of service from a unique perspective.
Like a Good Neighbor, the Cats are There
Presented By Karn Meyers, FIXNation and Dona Baker, Feral Cat Caretakers Coalition
March 5th at 12:00 p.m. PST
Learn the tools to be able to educate and recruit neighbors to support a local TNR project.
Return to Field: Lowering Euthanasia of Healthy Cats
Presented by Bryan Kortis, PetSmart Charities
March 12th at 12:00 p.m. PST
Learn in more depth how to implement a Return to Field program, the resources required, its potential benefits and how to combine with Targeted TNR.
Turning the Cat vs. Wildlife Conflict into Collaboration
Presented by Karen Kraus, Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon and Bob Sallinger, Audubon Society of Portland
March 19th at 12:00 p.m. PDT
Be able to create and maintain successful collaboration between bird conservation group and cat welfare group and identify ways to replicate that success in their own communities.
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