An article on the effectiveness of TNR programs at reducing community cat populations is one of the most frequently-downloaded articles on The Veterinary Journal website, ranking third in popularity as of August of 2014.
The article, which we wrote about earlier this year, found that “High-impact TNR combined with the adoption of socialized cats and nuisance resolution counseling for residents is an effective tool for reducing shelter cat intake.” Intake to the county shelter from the zip code with the TNR program decreased by 66 percent, but only 12 percent in other zip codes.
The complete study is available at the link below.
J.K. Levy, N.M. Isaza, K.C. Scott, Effect of high-impact targeted trap-neuter-return and adoption of community cats on cat intake to a shelter, The Veterinary Journal, Available online 5 May 2014, ISSN 1090-0233,