November 5, 2014
Categories: Shelter Medicine, Conference Recordings

Bigstock-Beagle-Puppy-41240359Does the thought of treating heartworm-infected dogs in your shelter seem impossible? You’re not alone, but one community’s experience is showing how it can be done.

At the University of Florida, veterinarians and students of the Veterinary Community Outreach Program have developed a successful and affordable treatment plan for these dogs, and have treated over 500 animals with heartworm infection since 2008.

Find out how they do it, and how you can work with local rescue groups in your area to provide treatment for dogs in need in this presentation from Dr. Natalie Isaza at the University of Florida’s 7th Annual Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference.

Also of interest:

Webinar: How animal shelters can prevent and treat heartworm in dogs

North Carolina shelter treating heartworm-positive dogs before adoption