June 16, 2017
Categories: Video, Animal Behavior, Facility Design

Everyone knows cats like to climb, perch and explore. That’s why California builder Peter Cohen decided to turn his home into the ultimate feline playhouse for his 15 adopted cats.

It all began when he moved into his home and found it came complete with two outdoor cats. When one was killed by a car and the other injured, he decided his surviving kitty needed the indoor life — and a few friends.

That was the beginning of his transition to Official Cat Rescue Guy, and of his home to kitty paradise, complete with cat walks and tunnels connecting every room of the house on multiple levels.

What’s more, he’s made the cat stairs and spiral ramps into beautiful architectural features of the home.

They even have their very own indoor koi pond (where they look but never touch).

See it and be amazed, and have a great #FeelGoodFriday!