October 12, 2018
Categories: Video, Caring for Special Populations of Animals
Smush purring

We have a saying: Pets are “rescued by love, and saved by shelter medicine.” No kitty illustrates that quite as well as Insta-famous cat Smush, who has been part of #FeelGoodFriday once before, when we shared her powerful (but tiny!) story.

To recap:

A tiny little kitten with a cleft palate came into a Florida animal control shelter last summer. She wasn’t eating on her own, and needed to be syringe-fed every four hours. She had an upper respiratory infection and a bad case of ringworm.

It was touch and go, but thanks to Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida and Lindsey Hidenrite (now a full-fledged shelter vet!), she was treated, fostered and later adopted by Shannon Jackson.

Shannon went on to create a foundation to help animal shelters and shelter medicine, and named it the Smush Foundation, of course.

But none of that is in the video below. No, this is just guaranteed stress relief and a few seconds of joy as Smush purrs while being petted by her mom.

That’s it. And that’s all you need to have the greatest weekend ever!

We love you, Smush!