Have you updated your Shelter Animals Count data lately? You could win a grant!
Data plays an important role in the lifesaving of animals. It has enabled our industry to compile a complete picture of the animals entering and leaving shelters. And with that in mind, the Shelter Animals Count October Data Drive is in full swing! Update your January – September 2019 data now and enter to win part of $10,000… Learn More
Why letting shelter animal ringworm self-cure is more expensive than treatment
Did you know that when you treat a cat or kitten for ringworm in the shelter, you end up saving money? By doing so, you’ll reduce the length of stay, whereas letting an animal self-cure takes three months. You’ll learn all this and more in Ringworm: the Role of Staff and Volunteers in Fighting the Fungus, a… Learn More
Maddie’s® Shelter Compass is like hiring an extra employee
Ever feel like you have too much to do and don’t know where to start? Whether it’s cleaning out your closet or saving the lives of more pets, we can relate. Often times we end up not starting a task because we simply don’t have the time to figure out a plan. While we can’t organize your closet for you, we can help… Learn More
Maddie’s® Pet Forum Featured Topics:
Seeking foster training videos Join the discussion
What websites are rescues using to post adoptable dogs? Join the discussion
*NEW* Study: Behavioral Interventions to Promote Dog Adoptions
Texas Tech University studied meet-and-greets (e.g., the first physical meeting of an adoptable dog and a potential adopter) in relation to adoption rates in 8 shelters. The study found that shelters that already have more structured meet-and-greets adopt out a higher percentage of dogs, as compared to shelters with unstructured meet-and-greets. However, the results of implementing this behavioral intervention’s best practices (baseline vs. experimental condition) were inconclusive. Learn More
Want to increase lifesaving?
Connect with us at Maddie’s Pet Forum, use Maddie’s Shelter Compass tool to increase lifesaving success and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s University!