March 24, 2020
Categories: Foster Programs, Webcasts

Emergency foster care has definitely become a lifeline to many animal shelters as the COVID-19 virus changes how we live our lives. The situation changes on a daily basis (if not hourly), and we know it’s overwhelming to keep up.

If there is a silver lining to all of this, it’s that more pets are getting out of shelters and into foster homes! If you currently do not have a program or are looking to expand yours, we hosted two huddles last week to help you get started. The huddles include a brief presentation by our Foster Care Specialist, Kelly Duer, with the two question and answer periods. Learn about what some shelters are doing to reduce the spread (drive-thru foster pickup!) and how to speed up your orientation process (go online!).

Don’t forget to bookmark our emergency fostering/COVID-19 resource page. We are updating it as new information becomes available.