Below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources we’ve added over the past week. As a reminder, we’ve created an emergency fostering and COVID-19 webpage that we are updating regularly as new resources become available. You’re also invited to join the Emergency fostering during the Covid-19/coronavirus pandemic group on Maddie’s® Pet Forum where you can ask questions, share resources and more.
Free mobile fundraising tool for your animal welfare organization
Is your organization looking for new ways to fundraise? It’s safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted animal shelters and rescue organizations to pivot and evolve in all areas ranging from adoptions to operations – including fundraising. The pandemic has created economic uncertainty for many, so we thought we’d share this free fundraising… Learn More
HASS in Action: How one NC community rallied together to support people and their pets
As the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) project continues to drive positive change in the animal welfare industry to keep more people and pets together, we wanted to share the touching story, It Takes A Village Working Together: The story of Reverend Demitris Gonzalez. The story is told by Officer Caffray, a Charlotte-Mecklenberg Police Department (CMPD) Animal Control Officer… Learn More
Check out Best Friends resource page to learn more on how to be road-block free
Now more than ever, being a part of the sheltering and rescue community means actively looking for ways to keep pets in the places they call home and inviting more animal-loving folks to the lifesaving party. Learn more about removing common roadblocks with these resources. Learn More
Upcoming HSUS webcast: Radical Return to Owner – Keep families together
While adoption rates have improved substantially in recent years, nationwide there has been minimal improvement in return-to-owner statistics. Shelters will always be necessary safe havens for pets who truly do not have a home, but inflexible policies and expensive fees still leave too many animals branded as “homeless” even when they have an owner. Join us to hear from leaders from across the country about how they are using innovative strategies to drive positive outcomes and reunite pets with the people who love them. Register Now
Upcoming webcast: Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Care in the Shelter
In this hour-long webinar, we’ll go inside the shelter to find out what’s new in the world of kitten care, pathway planning, wellness, and pediatric spay/neuter. Join us this Thursday, August 27 at 12pm PT/3pm ET. Register Now
Help these Maddie’s® Pet Forum members get answers to their questions!
Is your organization looking for a vehicle for transport? Mississippi Spay and Neuter is looking to re-home their transport van with 12 built-in kennels and rear air conditioning! Join the discussion
CARE’s PSA: Are we looking for reasons not to adopt?
CARE (Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity) recently released a PSA to all animal shelters and rescue organizations that says, “We must remove barriers to save more lives.” Watch Now
Join Maddie’s® Instructor Summits!
The AmPA! weekly Maddie’s® Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! You’ll join the instructors from Maddie’s® Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you’ll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you every Friday afternoon. Topics will change each week. Register Now
The Shelter Animals Count COVID-19 Impact Report for June is now available
Shelter Animals Count is a collaborative nonprofit organization that is home to the national database of sheltered animal statistics. They just released their COVID-19 Impact Report, along with an infographic looking at data over the past six months. Learn More
Want to learn more about how Human Animal Support Services are keeping people and pets together?
Human Animal Support Services (HASS), a new animal welfare organizational model, will implement a new range of services for pets and people in 12 pilot cities, helping keep more animals in their homes and communities and reducing the number entering the shelter system through programs and resources. Read More
Need foster caregivers? can help!
Through their nationwide #StayHomeAndFoster initiative, has over 80,000 people signed up to foster, but just 750 organizations to match them with. Register your organization so you can be matched with local fosters in your area! If your organization is not in need right now, you can still sign up so that everything is ready to go when you do need. This includes all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Learn More
Maddie’s® Pet Forum Featured Topics:
Show us your kennel whiteboards! @SavannahG’s team is revamping the whiteboards in their kennel area for tracking their dog’s locations, basic info, volunteer activities and enrichment with each dog and could use some inspiration. Join the discussion
Want to increase lifesaving?
Connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum, use Maddie’s® Shelter Compass tool to increase lifesaving success and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!