November 16, 2023
Categories: Foster Programs

Have you registered for Camp Maddie yet? Registration is free!

Camp Maddie is a new learning series beginning with a virtual half-day dog foster edition on Thursday, December 7, 9am-1 pm PT (12 pm-4 pm ET).

At Camp Maddie, we will cover various topics in to-the-point presentations, panel discussions, strategy-sharing seminars, videos and question and answer sessions. Presenters will discuss breaking down barriers in the foster field, how they recruit foster caregivers and provide insight into strategies they use to make fostering accessible in their communities.

As an added incentive, Maddie’s Fund® will be giving $200 grants to four lucky participants who join us live at Camp Maddie.

This event is perfect for those interested or involved in existing foster care programs, foster coordinators, marketing, leadership and operations enthusiasts. As a bonus, participants will be eligible for up to 4 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA) and National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA) continued education credit hours. 

At the end of the four hour event, information about follow-up sessions will be available. Come make new friends and help make the world of foster care accessible and enjoyable to all involved! Below, Jenay Bennett from Dallas Pets Alive! shares a little about her presentation.

Visit the Camp Maddie webpage to view the full agenda, list of presenters, activities and to register!