March 12, 2024
Categories: Continuing Education

It’s only a matter of time before kitten season starts (if it hasn’t already). With that in mind, Maddie’s® University has launched a new self-paced course, “Taking the Fear out of Bottle Feeding and Basic Kitten Care.” You’ll learn about the latest guidelines for kitten feeding and other kitten care, such as healthy neonatal kittens do not need to be fed every two hours.

This course was developed by the Kitten College at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington in Arlington, VA to help its foster caregivers raise happy, healthy kittens. The first kitten nursery of its kind, Arlington went from saving 92 kittens a year in 2016 to over 1500 kittens in 2023. Since its inception, the Kitten College program has been implemented in a growing number of shelters and rescues across the country.

Watching kittens grow up and become ready for their own homes is a rewarding experience. Kittens are vulnerable and require special care and daily monitoring, which you’ll learn about in this course.

After successfully completing this course you will be able to:

  • Prepare for the arrival of your kittens
  • Monitor your kittens’ health
  • Provide age-appropriate housing
  • Bottle feed and syringe feed
  • Stimulate your kittens to eliminate
  • Wean your kittens
  • Bathe your kittens
  • Socialize your kittens

The course was authored by Marnie Russ, National Kitten College Program Administrator, a recognized expert on caring for at-risk kittens. In 2023, Marnie assisted UC Davis and the University of Wisconsin in updating their neonatal kitten guidelines for mass distribution.

Enroll now in “Taking the Fear out of Bottle Feeding and Basic Kitten Care.”