June 6, 2024
Categories: Marketing, PR, and Social Media, Adoption

Curious about how artificial intelligence (AI) might help your animal organization? We asked folks on Maddie’s® Pet Forum to share how they’re using it to help pets and people (and themselves!). Here are a few answers below.

Writing anything and everything from adoption biographies (bios) to newsletter stories, thank you notes and even grants
“As a small volunteer-run rescue organization, we struggle to find time around our jobs to do all the little things to promote animals for adoption,” shared one organization. “With chatGPT, I have cute, interesting, and unique bios written instantly. I even posted one yesterday that was written as a rap to highlight a litter of kittens named after rappers!”

Another shared that they use AI to draft bios, Facebook posts, newsletter stories, thank you notes for special gifts, donation request letters, press releases, etc. “I say draft because you can’t just take what AI creates and use it without editing. Sometimes, it’s just a place to start, but usually it only takes a few minutes to edit and have a good product.”

“In addition to writing pet bios, we use it to write emails to appeal to different groups such as students or seniors,” chimed in a third organization. “We are starting a Monthly update for our volunteers and are using it to write that. It’s easy to make a list of new things and ask it to write the update asking the prompt to enthusiastic, funny or serious as needed. We find a ways to use it all the time.”

Someone else shared that they use it when writing grants and another hoped to use it to make automated phone calls soon.

Editing photos
“I have been using the AI photo editing feature on Instagram to stage adoption photoshoots. Since I do not have access to all of our animals in foster homes and do not have time to set up photoshoots (and since some of the foster photos are not great), all I need is a clear photo of the cat or dog and I can add whatever background I like. I love playing it up around holidays and making it festive.”

Someone else shared that they use Photoroom to add backgrounds and make better pictures.

Assisting with social media posts and video
One organization has been incorporating AI into several features over the past six months. “One such application is assisting with social media posts through ChatAI, as well as leveraging Rask AI for video dubbing in Spanish and Vietnamese for our social media videos. We are also exploring the potential of using Loom in the near future. As a small organization, we acknowledge the importance of being both cautious and curious about the capabilities of AI and the benefits it can bring. We believe in pushing boundaries and are encouraged by the positive results we have seen with AI assistance so far.”

Adding a chatbot to your website
Chris Roy, Chief Executive Officer of Doobert shared that it developed the world’s first chatbot that answers questions based solely on your website.  It’s free, and once installed, it scans your pages and then can answer any question like “What are your hours?” or “How can I adopt a dog?” or “Can I be a foster?”.  He says it’s powered by OpenAI and they also a premium version that can communicate in multiple languages.

“We’re adding more logic so it can help people match with their perfect pet and so that shelters can upload external content like foster manuals or other information.  The possibilities are endless since it only knows what each organization tells it.”

Is your organization using AI? Tell us on Maddie’s® Pet Forum!