We know that across the country, many people face tough choices due to housing restrictions, often having to give up their pets. In an effort to both show the importance of and help advocate for more pet-inclusive housing, a new fact sheet was just created for the Opportunity Starts at Home Campaign.
The sheet shares that only about 9% of all rental housing allows pets without breed, weight, and size. “This research does not specify low-income/subsidized and does not include the use of nonrefundable fees, so likely fewer units meet this broad definition of “pet-inclusive housing.”
It also shows that that between 7-33% (average reported is 14%) of owner surrenders of pets to animal shelters are due to underlying housing insecurity. “Reducing restrictions on pet ownership in rental housing would create a more equitable and accessible housing market for pet owners. Lifting restrictions could provide pet inclusive rental housing for an estimate of 8.2 million additional animals, while improving the lives of their owners. Furthermore, easing restrictions could prevent the surrender of up to 10.5 million pets nationwide (Pet Inclusive Housing Initiative, 2021).”
View the full fact sheet to see how you can better support pets and people by advocating for pet-inclusive housing. You can also check out the recordings and resources from Camp Maddie: Housing Edition for additional information.