While we may not be able to provide you with an extra set of hands to bottle feed, we do have plenty resources to help with kitten season. From a brand new kitten marketing toolkit from HeARTs Speak to foster recruitment to kitten care and more, we hope these will help your organization manage the abundance of kittens you are probably seeing.
HeARTs Speak Kitten Season Marketing Toolkit
In this toolkit you will find sample copy for social media, headline ideas, overlays for photos and more.
Foster caregiver recruitment
Help even more kittens by growing your foster program.
Physical and behavioral development of kittens for the first six weeks of life
This has remained one of our most popular resources over the years. Those first weeks are so important.
How to make virtual adoptions work for your organization
It’s likely your organization isn’t open yet to adopter or adoption events, but that shouldn’t stop you from adopting out kittens.
Feral felines & kittens found outdoors
This webinar from the Kitten Lady comes highly recommended from Gimme Shelter. Her whole “Kitten Care” webinar series is informative, but this particular webinar, “is one of the best resources we’ve seen about what to do when a person in your community stumbles upon a kitten outdoors,” says Gimme Shelter.
How to care for orphaned kittens
Here you will find several short videos that explain bottle feeding, helping your kitten go to the bathroom, bathing, examining an orphaned kitten and weaning your kitten to solid foods.
Foster caregiver marketing guide
This thorough guide covers everything from bio writing and photography to lifesaving marketing.