You probably have seen recent news about cats infected by H5N1 avian influenza virus. Join us on Tuesday, February 11 at 12PM PT/3PM ET for the webcast, “How Much Do You Know About Bird Flu?” hosted by Drs. Cynda Crawford and Julie Levy.
Can this virus spread from cat-to-cat? Can cats spread infection to people? What is the risk for infected cats entering shelters, TNR clinics and community clinics? Drs. Crawford and Levy will talk about risk factors for H5N1 avian influenza infection of cats in outdoor and indoor settings; risk mitigation measures for shelters, TNR clinics, and community clinics; and what to do if you suspect a cat might be infected in a one-hour webcast. Please bring your questions.
Dr. Crawford is a Clinical Associate Professor in Shelter Medicine. Her areas of expertise include diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of infectious diseases in dogs and cats in sheltering facilities. Dr. Levy is the Fran Marino Endowed Distinguished Professor of Shelter Medicine Education at the University of Florida, where she focuses on the health and welfare of animals in shelters, feline infectious diseases, and humane alternatives for cat population control.
This webcast will be recorded. It has been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association.