Happy #MaddieMonday! We’ve enjoyed watching all of the Innovation Grant applications roll in over the past week! Don’t forget, the deadline is today and your application must be complete to be considered. See below for anything else you may have missed so you can start this week off in the know!
Let’s congratulate recent Innovation Grant recipients! Now, why don’t you join them?
Have you applied for an Innovation Grant yet? Hurry! The window is open, but it will only last until May 22. We’re kicking off this Innovation Grant cycle by congratulating the recipients from last quarter, and hoping you’ll be inspired by their ideas! “We’re excited that there were so many applications… nearly 500!” said Kelly Clardy,… Learn More
Study: Video more effective than photos at getting dogs adopted
Is making a video of a dog in your shelter or rescue group worth the trouble? Absolutely, says a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare. In the study, which was conducted in the UK, 735 people viewed video and photos of four shelter dogs: Two were Staffordshire Terriers, representing dogs who… Learn More
Are your emails to supporters getting deleted or ignored? Here’s how to fix that
Animal shelters and rescue groups need to communicate with their supporters. That’s how you get more volunteers, foster homes and donations. While social media has taken a big slice out of the communications pie, direct email remains a powerful tool to reach people interested in your organization and its work for animals. But just as… Learn More