We’d like to start off this #MaddieMonday by sending our love and condolences to the victims and families of the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. We are truly heartbroken.
As with each #MaddieMonday, here are the stories you may have missed. Read on for our top stories, including a new study that reveals dogs DO benefit from overnight or short-term sleepovers. More details below!
Study: Do shelter dogs benefit from short-term foster sleepovers?
Can a dog in your shelter benefit from just one sleepover with a foster? You bet, and we’ve got the research to back it up! A little over a year ago, Maddie’s Fund® gave a grant to Carroll College to answer that very question, funding the first sleepover pilot study at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary… Learn More
Study: What cats really don’t like in their litter box
When cats stop using their litter box, and they get a clean bill of physical health from their veterinarian, there’s one piece of advice that almost universally comes next: Keep your litter box clean. But what does that mean from the cat’s point of view? The smell of a cat box is probably the main… Learn More
Cat Town debuts expanded adoption center to help save Oakland’s most vulnerable cats, Thanks To Maddie!
October is a special month for America’s first cat café, Cat Town in Oakland, CA. Not only is it the anniversary month of when they first opened their café space three years ago, but they’ll also be celebrating the grand opening of their expanded adoption space! The Grand Opening will take place on Sunday, October… Learn More
Two job opportunities at the Maddie’s Fund Pleasanton, CA, office:
We’re still looking for a Grants Specialist and an Education Specialist to join our team! Must work out of the Pleasanton, CA, office. Learn more
Webcasts available on demand!
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