June 7, 2018
Categories: Announcements
Young woman working on her laptop in the park and her dog waiting to play with a ball

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy… and so is the learnin’ about saving animals’ lives. At least, that’s what happens when you spend your summer with Maddie’s® University, whether from your own air-conditioned home or office, a cabin in the mountains, or poolside. And it’s free!

So what exactly is Maddie’s® University?

“It’s an online learning management system that is comprised of a full catalog of classes to help you learn the A to Zs of all things animal welfare,” said Lisa Ward, Maddie’s Fund®  Co-Director of Education. “Anyone can benefit from Maddie’s®  University, no matter your skill set or role. We offer a variety of classes from webinars with printable handouts for staff and volunteers, recordings of top speakers from across the country, and tools for your shelter or rescue organization to run more smoothly.”

Subject categories are divided into five portals:

  • Veterinary and Shelter Administration (for RACE and CAWA CE)
  • Maddie’s® Apprenticeships
  • Foster Caregivers and Managers
  • Staff and Volunteer Training
  • Leadership

Maddie’s® University keeps all your classes in one place, so unlike your car keys, you’ll never misplace them. It also keeps track of where you left off, so you can come back and pick the course up after a trip to the beach.

Register now to start give your education and your lifesaving a summer they’ll never forget!


Continue the conversation on Maddie’s® Pet Forum, where animal welfare conversations are happening 24/7!