Happy first #MaddieMonday of summer! Do you know what foster day trips, social media and adoption holds have in common? How about what an animal shelter can do to save lives when it’s hit by a deadly disease outbreak? Let’s catch up!
What foster day trips, social media and adoption holds have in common
What do foster day trips, social media and adoption holds have in common? They’re all topics being discussed right now in Maddie’s® Pet Forum, the place for 24/7 animal welfare conversation! Here’s what you’ve been missing if you haven’t joined yet: Foster day trips User Finn made available a Doggy Day Out toolkit for fellow… Learn More
Foster care saves lives when strep zoo hits animal shelter
Streptococcus zooepidemicus, known more commonly as strep zoo, is one of the most fearful respiratory diseases that can strike a shelter dog. How did the dogs at the Pima Animal Care Center in Tucson, AZ, escape it? Thanks to the swift response of the shelter medicine team and loving foster homes! “This is a truly… Learn More
Want to increase lifesaving?
Stay connected through Maddie’s® Pet Forum, use Maddie’s® Pet Assistant app to increase foster care success and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!