Like many of us, shelter cats are taking this time to reevaluate their space, redecorate and purchase new furniture. Or in their case, portals.
Thanks to Million Cat Challenge’s Portalmania 2020, 82 shelters are being awarded 2,685 portals.
Cramped housing has an adverse effect on cats. “Multiple studies have looked at the effect of poor housing on cats, and have linked it to a high incidence of stress-related illness, particularly upper respiratory infections (URI),” said Million Cat Challenge co-founder Dr. Julie Levy, Fran Marino Endowed Professor of Shelter Medicine Education at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.
These cats will enjoy an increase in space thanks to the portals that will be installed between two smaller cages with the added bonus of being able to eat and sleep separately from their litter boxes. The separation will keep cats healthier and happier, which will often result in a quicker adoption.
“Happy cats equal happy homes,” said Genny Brown, Executive Director of the Humane Society of St Joseph County in Mishawaka, Indiana. “We are excited to give the most vulnerable population within our shelter the space they need to decompress and find forever homes.”