Study: Targeted TNR dropped shelter intake by 66 percent

Is Trap-neuter-return (TNR) a practical solution to reducing cat population? In a study looking at one zip code in a Florida community with high impoundments of community (unowned) cats, the answer was yes.

Evidence supporting free pet adoptions keeps mounting

At our recent Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days, the nation’s largest free pet adoption event, over 16,000 dogs and cats found homes in over 500 communities across the country. However, many animal advocates worry that free adoptions result in unhappy endings for the pets. The ASPCA has added yet more data to the growing body of evidence supporting fee-waived adoptions with a case study conducated at the Edmonton Humane Society.

Study: People who volunteer feel healthier, happier

If your shelter or rescue group doesn't have enough volunteers, you may be missing a valuable recruiting tool: volunteers feel healthier and happier than people who don't volunteer. In a survey of a broad cross-section of people conducted by UnitedHealthGroup, researchers found that of people who volunteered in the previous 12 months: 76 percent felt… Learn More

Are your foster homes helping grow adoptions, too?

Foster homes love, house, and care for homeless pets while they're looking for a new home. Doesn't that make them the perfect Adoption Ambassadors (AA), too? That's the view of ASPCAPro, which recently presented a free webinar on "Engaging Foster Parents to be Adoption Ambassadors," with Meg Allison, currently GIS data manager for the ASPCA… Learn More

Free pet adoptions: What does the data tell us?

Few things are as controversial in the animal welfare world as free pet adoptions, primarily out of concern that the homes the pets go to won’t be as good as those where the adopter pays a fee. A recent study concludes those concerns are unjustified.

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