Can you clean your way out of a shelter ringworm outbreak?

If your shelter is facing a ringworm outbreak, it’s easy to feel the fungus is saturating the entire building. The good news is that santitation is effective, beneficial, and eminently practical for any shelter, thanks to a few key facts about the disease.

Veterinarians eager for TNR information

An article on the effectiveness of TNR programs at reducing community cat populations is one of the most frequently-downloaded articles on The Veterinary Journal website.

Study: The case against electronic collars

Is an electronic collar a good choice to train a dog who is demonstrating behavior that might lead to his owner surrendering him to a shelter? Not according to a recent UK study.

Pet health: What do the numbers tell us?

Today’s Veterinary Practice and Banfield Pet Hospital have partnered to publish the data garnered by Banfield Applied Research and Knowledge (BARK), based on veterinary records from its 850 hospitals and 2.4 million pets treated each year.

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